
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Day

I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. Milwaukee has been covered with a healthy layer of snow and I am totally okay with it. One of my classes got cancelled today which means I only have my night class. This is truly the life. Although I love the clean, dreamy look of snow, I don't think that I am going to enjoy this weather when I have to walk to the gym. The snow reminds me of the time when it snowed in Rome last spring. It hadn't snowed in 26 years and of course it had to snow while I was studying abroad there! Everyone and everything stopped what they were doing to take pictures in the snow. My roommates and I were kind of upset because we did not pack any winter clothes, but I it was cool to see how the people in Rome reacted to the white fluffy stuff. The buses didn't know what to do so they just stopped working and everyone else was walking in the streets taking pictures and throwing snow. The Colosseum with snow was definitely a sight to see!

Kitty City with a little blanket of snow

Look what someone made!

The Colosseum with snow

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