
Saturday, February 9, 2013

A little bit of Norwegian history

When I was in Konsmo my family took me to see the biography about my great grandpa Jens Thorson. My mom has told me so many stories about him and how some people called him the "King of the Norwegians," but all of that didn't really mean anything to me at such a young age. When I first saw the poster, it all came together. Jens Thorson was literally a god in the Helle Valley.

Since I can't read Norwegian, I had my cousin Anne May translate for me. Basically my great grandpa is a pretty big deal. The house in the background of the top picture is the same house that my mom grew up in... pretty cool huh? The farm in the picture below is the famous Thorson farm that my great grandpa started in Minnesota when he first immigrated from Norway. I have many fun memories of playing on that farm with my uncles.

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