
Friday, February 8, 2013

Here is how it all began

While studying abroad in Rome, Italy I made the crazy decision to contact my long lost relative Anne May to see if there was any way that I could come visit her and the family in Norway. The last time I met Anne May was when I was three years old. I don't remember a single thing from those early years, but for some reason I never forgot about her. Maybe it was because she spent hours doing my hair when I was the flower girl at my Uncle's wedding. There was something about her that stuck in my mind. The only two things I remember about her was that she was beautiful and nice.
Not knowing if she would remember the bratty flower girl from America, I messaged her on Facebook. I didn't even know how to begin writing her the message because there were so many things I wanted to tell her. "Hi my name is Elizabeth! I'm not quite sure if you remember me, but you did my hair for Uncle Curt's wedding?" What a weird way to start off a conversation, but there was no way around it. Sure enough after a week of no response, Anne May messaged me back saying that she definately remembered me. It's so crazy to think that after 19 years of no contact with my Norwegian relatives, a simple Facebook message reunited our long lost family. 

The end of April seemed to work well with both of our schedules so I made sure to mark the trip in my planner in ALL CAPS (with a few extra exclamation marks added in). Before I knew it my ticket was booked and all I had to do was wait for my little to feet to land in Norway! 

{Airplane view of a little town in Norway}

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