
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Simply Wonderful

Normally I don't do this, but I just have to talk about my randomly awesome day! I have to just simply list all of the great things that happened to me today because it's easier to read.
  • My 9:30am class got cancelled.
  • I got As on both of my quizzes from last week!
  • I got out of class early so I had time to set up my room for clinic aka I actually got to go home for lunch.
  • Clinic was crazy fun/stressful, but I survived and was still smiling when I left.
For those of you who are wondering what clinic I'm talking about I am currently a wanna be speech language pathologist still in the preliminary stages of getting my degree. As of right now I have a cute little client that I work with every Tuesday and Thursday. Although some days are rough, I love every minute of it.

We all need to enjoy these special days as they come. What makes this day even better is that it was completely unexpected.

The Flavian Palace in Rome, Italy

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