
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Tuesdays are my extra long days... I have class all day and then I end my day with clinic that could go one way or the other. Last week was not a good week for my little guy so hopefully today will be a better day for him.

Today's objectives:
  1. Get through my classes. Take good notes and make it worth while
  2. Get all of my activities together and be as prepared as possible. 
  3. "Over prepare, and then go with the flow."
  4. Hope for a snow day... but it probably won't happen.
It's days like today where I feel completely over school and just ready for my future as a graduate student. Grades are not a huge deal anymore because I already got accepted so it is very hard for me to stay motivated! Somehow I need to find ways to stay motivated so that I can end my semester on a high note.

This is all I want to do... cook in the sun

Things to do:
  • continue to look for places to live for the summer
  • find a summer gig
  • pack for SB
  • oh yea take 3 exams!

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