
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rainy Day

Just looking out over the beautiful San Dunes in Michigan.
The Saturday after good Friday is definitely not sunny, but rightfully so. Yesterday was a beautiful day! The Sun was out and I was feeling spring. Yesterday was a tease and now today is just so depressing. Well I'm not going to let this weather get me down. I am going to bake and work out today. It is going to be just a wonderful day here in Wausau.

I learned something yesterday in relation to my anxiety. I was on my way to TJ Maxx and I decided that I wanted a diet soda. After I had finished half the can I started to feel my chest tense up a little bit. When I was in the car I was thinking to myself, "Either I turn around and go home letting my anxiety win, or I continue on with my day like I had planned." I decided to continue on with my plans and go to TJ Maxx. Although I wasn't myself when I was in there, it was a big step for me. I didn't let my chest prevent me from doing something I loved. I think I am learning little by little how to tackle this anxiety issue.

Things to do for next time...
  1. Don't I repeat DON'T have caffeinated soda during the day. It will make your chest hurt.
  2. Exercise everyday. I think that if I do a little bit of exercise I won't be as stressed or prone to stress later. 
That is all for now... I am going to start checking things off my list for today.
  • Grocery shopping
    • applesauce
    • whole wheat flour
  • Work out
  • Bake
    • oatmeal bran muffins
    • brownies
  • Cook Dinner
    • pasta with tomato sauce
  • Watch the MU game!
    • GOOOOOO Marquette!

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