
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Too long Thursdays

It always seems like I blog on Tuesday and Thursday mornings... maybe that's because I feel like I have to mentally prepare for the long day ahead. I don't have anything due today, but I just have a lot of things going on. I have three classes, clinic, and then tutoring. Yikes. How do I plan to make it through this long day you ask? Well I just like to take it class by class. Then I simply try to get into the mindset I need for clinic. Then I can sort of cruise during tutoring.

After today is over then it's the weekend baby! WOOOHOOO!!! I have date party this weekend with my man, then I have a chef's challenge with my girlfriends. How fun! oh yea and I have to write a research paper sometime in between all of that. I'll finish it no worries.

Saltue to the weekend that is almost here!

My favorite bakery next to our apartamento in Roma

Nick and I just horsing around in Venezia

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