
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pre Spring Break

This week is just dragging on and on.... I have three exams this week, and I haven't started taking any of them yet! The only thing I can think about is how much fun I'm going to have over spring break just hanging out with my rents and puppies. This morning I woke up extra early, 7am to be exact, to make a beautiful timeline of the history of the musical and to make a schedule for my mini vacation.

Plans for Break include:
  • Making homemade pasta con mi padre
  • Baking tons of goodies
  • Wine night with my best friend Courtney
  • Making crafts
Not too bad right? My goal is to stay busy everyday so that I don't have time to think about how other people are in Mexico drinking and getting tan. Hey I can do all of that right in the comfort of my hometown Wausau. I can go tanning everyday and I can make myself a little mimosa in the morning and end my relaxing day with a little glass of Riesling. Sounds like a good week to me!

Can't wait to hangout with these two goons.

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